
geo image of Suriname
RegionLatin America & Caribbean
GDP7.93[PPP 2011$ billions]
GDP per capita13762.80[$]
Land Area147401.50[sq. km]

Country Scorecard

Component Rank EPI Score 10-Year Change
EPI 81 45.2 -7.1
Health 103 36.6 2.7
Air Quality 93 37.4 2.7
PM2.5 127 30.3 0.5
Household solid fuels 91 39.3 5.9
Ozone 11 99.5 -0.5
Sanitation & Drinking Water 109 39.3 2.9
Sanitation 103 45.4 4.1
Drinking water 110 35.3 2.2
Heavy Metals 114 43.2 4.2
Lead 114 43.2 4.2
Waste Management 133 - -
Solid waste 133 - -
Ecosystem Vitality 63 50.9 -13.7
Biodiversity 79 63.6 3.2
Terrestrial biomes (nat'l) 114 57.5 -
Terrestrial biomes (global) 79 84.4 -
Marine protected areas 117 - -
Protected Areas Rep. Ind. 2 98 36.7
Species Habitat Index 45 91.9 -2.7
Species Protection Index 70 84.3 -
Biodiversity Habitat Index 5 78.1 -1.5
Ecosystem Services 39 51.3 -7.8
Tree cover loss 36 47.1 -15.6
Grassland loss 1 100 68.1
Wetland loss 40 77.5 54.7
Fisheries 37 16.8 -1.7
Fish Stock Status 63 8.8 -3.4
Marine Trophic Index 24 24.8 -
Fish caught by trawling - - -
Climate Change 81 52.8 -35.3
CO2 growth rate 76 45.2 -45.3
CH4 growth rate 111 56 -44
F-gas growth rate 1 100 -
N2O growth rate 68 65.7 -0.9
Black Carbon growth rate 60 68.7 -31.3
CO2 from land cover 146 22.1 -
GHG intensity trend 156 25.6 -38.7
GHG per capita 107 41.6 -6.4
Pollution Emissions 47 82.4 3.1
SO2 growth rate 81 70.1 -20.4
NOx growth rate 32 94.6 26.5
Agriculture 27 59.4 9.4
Sustainable N Mgmt Index 27 59.4 9.4
Water Resources 134 - -
Wastewater treatment 134 - -

Peer Comparisons

EPI Scores for this country and peers based on similar characteristics

EPI Performance
Gabon 45.8
Barbados 45.6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 45.4
Lebanon 45.4
Thailand 45.4
Suriname 45.2
Mauritius 45.1
Tonga 45.1
Algeria 44.8
Kazakhstan 44.7
GDP per capita
North Macedonia 55.4
Colombia 52.9
Brazil 51.2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 45.4
Suriname 45.2
Algeria 44.8
Peru 44
Grenada 43.1
Saint Lucia 43.1
Maldives 35.6
Issue Performance
Serbia 55.2
Kuwait 53.6
Albania 49
Azerbaijan 46.5
Suriname 45.2
Kazakhstan 44.7
Moldova 44.4
Morocco 42.3
Philippines 38.4
Equatorial Guinea 38.1
Regulatory Quality
Belarus 53
Suriname 45.2
Belize 41.9
Malawi 38.3
Eswatini 33.8
Pakistan 33.1
Tanzania 31.1
Niger 30.8
Togo 29.5
Gambia 27.9
Voice & Accountability
Hungary 63.7
Bulgaria 57
Brazil 51.2
Suriname 45.2
Georgia 41.3
Guyana 35.9
Timor-Leste 35.3
Mongolia 32.2
Benin 30
India 27.6
Political Stability
United Kingdom 81.3
France 80
Greece 69.1
Romania 64.7
Serbia 55.2
Kuwait 53.6
Montenegro 46.3
Suriname 45.2
Maldives 35.6
Cambodia 33.6
Latin America & Caribbean
Panama 47.3
Paraguay 46.4
Dominican Republic 46.3
Barbados 45.6
Suriname 45.2
Dominica 44.6
Bolivia 44.3
Peru 44
Bahamas 43.5
Grenada 43.1
Small Island Developing States
Trinidad and Tobago 47.5
Dominican Republic 46.3
Barbados 45.6
Suriname 45.2
Mauritius 45.1
Tonga 45.1
Dominica 44.6
Bahamas 43.5
Grenada 43.1
Saint Lucia 43.1
Ease of Doing Business Index
Suriname 45.2
Kiribati 37.7
Sudan 34.8
Ethiopia 34.4
Micronesia 33
Comoros 32.1
Gambia 27.9
Burundi 27
Madagascar 26.5
Sierra Leone 25.7
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